Welcome to Clean Air Notes

Metal Welcome sign with two kids on a bicycle outside.

Welcome to the introduction of the new Clean Air Notes from the Hood County Clean Air Coalition!  This blog will highlight activities and actions that help keep our air clean.  For Hood County, the main air pollution concern is ozone which is formed from tailpipe emissions from cars and trucks on the road, smokestack emissions from industrial sites like power plants, and emissions from other equipment like that used for construction in off-road settings.  The Hood County Clean Air Coalition was formed in 2012 when Hood County was under consideration of a “non-attainment” designation for ozone – meaning that ozone levels measured at the local monitor were almost higher than the level that was considered healthy especially for senior citizens, children, and those that suffer from asthma and other lung disorders.  The Coalition is comprised of local governments, schools, businesses, and citizens whose goal is to promote clean air in Hood County.   Current board members of the Coalition are Mark Franco, Chairman, Granbury Mayor Jim Jarratt, Hood County Judge Ron Massingill, Cresson Mayor Pro-Tem Lisa Clement, Joe Drew, Chuck Licata, John Campbell, Brian Caruthers, and Zak Monroe.  The Coalition’s activities are overseen by the Air Quality Program Manager, Michelle McKenzie.  We hope this blog will provide insight into simple choices that can help keep our air quality healthy for the residents in Hood County and keep residents informed about regional activities related to air quality! 

Image by: Brigitte Feauge from Pixabay